Monday, December 9, 2013

Madison's 3 Month Birthday {Christmas Pajama Style}

Madison–- All of a sudden you have developed quite the personality!  You love to squeal and smile.  We have had so much fun playing with you this month.  We love you so much baby girl!
Date: December 6, 2013

Weight: You weigh 14 pounds and are 23.5 inches long! You are long and skinny. You are still wearing 0-3 month clothes but starting to fit some 3-6 month clothes.  You are still in size 2 diapers.

Sleeping: You are a great sleeper!  For most of the month you went to bed at 9:30pm, woke up at 3am to eat and went back to bed until 6:00am-7:00am.  The last few days of the month you had 3 nights when you slept from 10:00pm-8:00am!  You got a little fussy around 3:00am, but went back to sleep quickly.

Eating: you are still such a good eater!  You usually eat 4 oz every 3 hours, but have some 3.5-4 hour stretches. 

Milestones: You are so close to rolling over!  You can roll to your side from your back, but not all the way to your stomach. You have started to grab the toys on your playmat, suck your hands and laugh a little.  You still love the car and your bath.  You like to listen to books and look at the Christmas tree.  You still love to sit in the bouncer and look at the lights.

Special Moments: This month we celebrated Thanksgiving at Uncle Michael and Aunt Heather’s house.  We also celebrated MowMow and PawPaw’s birthdays.  Mommy went back to work at the end of this month. Lolli and Pops stayed with you during the day while Mommy went to work on Thursday and Friday.  You start daycare on Monday!


Now, we don't usually wear hair bows with pajamas, but we figured might as well get a 2 for 1 special and take pictures of Madison in her Christmas pajamas for her 3 month pictures!  I was having the hardest time finding Christmas pajamas in 0-3 month size that were cute and didn't look like they were for a boy.  I finally found these adorable Mud Pie pajamas at Buy Buy Baby and knew I had to buy them.  They look so adorable on Madison! Since they don't really look like pajamas since the top is so fancy, Madison had a pajama day on Sunday! Here are some of the pictures of sweet Madison in her Christmas pajamas:


It is so exciting when you discover feet!


  1. Oh my gosh how precious is your little baby girl!!!
    Life with Baby Sophia

  2. She is adorable!! Stopping by from the link up! :)

  3. Awww, she is so cute! Love her little Christmas jams!

  4. Oh my word! I love baby feet! She is precious - size 2 diapers?! That really takes me back! We have been in size 4 for ever it seems. Merry Christmas :)

  5. She is a doll! Love the jammies! What a gorgeous little girl!

  6. She is too cute!!!! Love those jammies, we love MudPie too!

  7. What a sweet babe! Love her bow. Thank you for linking up with us!
