Wednesday, May 22, 2013

24 Weeks

May 23, 2013

Baby news: Our baby girl is 13.5 inches and 1.50 lbs. 

How far along? 24 weeks...another week in the books! Eric and his "medical self" is happy to reach this day since 24 weeks is considered age of viability...I keep reminding him this is far from the goal...16 weeks to go!

Total weight gain/loss: 6 pounds total. I went to the dr last Thursday and they had a new scale. The nurse said they have been getting lots of complaints since the old scale wasn't calibrated right. Therefore, the number on the new scale is 4 lbs higher than the old scale. I had been weighing myself at home, so I wasn't worried about the difference. 

Sleep: I am sleeping good, but waking up at least 4-5 times a night. Even when I get enough sleep, I am still tired in the morning. I guess I am just waking up so often that it is disrupting my sleep. 

Best moment this week: Friday morning we went to visit Children's Lighthouse. Leslie and Jonathan have taken their girls there for over 5 years and have been happy. We went to visit, saw the infant room and met the teachers. It seems like a wonderful place. We were very impressed. I of course cried when we left thinking about having to leave our baby when I go back to work. 

Cravings: Friday night we went to dinner for Michael's birthday. I had some sushi and it was delicious! I hadn't had sushi since last September. 

Movement: I have been feeling stronger movements, which is amazing! Feeling Madison move is by far the most amazing part of the pregnancy. 

Have you started to show yet? Yes and I love it! 

Gender prediction: It's a girl!! I am excited to get the nursery painted and start setting things up. 

Wedding rings: Still on, although I have found myself not wearing them all day on the weekend since we are out and about a lot. 

Mood: Things are slowing down a little at work as the year is coming to an end, so that has been nice this week. I have had a lot more energy. Wednesday was a tough day. I felt worn out all day and had some muscle pain. I think it was due to a busy day at work. 

Looking forward to: Beginning in the nursery. We are hoping to paint in the next couple weeks. 

Anything Else??? We had a fun but very busy weekend. Friday morning we went to visit the Children's Lighthouse and then I went to Katy to have lunch with Tegan. It was fun to see her and hang out with Heather and the boys that afternoon. That night we went to dinner for Michael's birthday. Saturday morning we got up early and went to the Pasadena Strawberry Festival for Eric to play mud volleyball with his coworkers...that was an experience! In the past they usually lose and head home by 10:30...not this year! We were there until 2:00 and it was hot. After a shower and quick nap, we headed to Top Golf in Katy for Michael's birthday celebration part 2. It was a really neat place, but another late night. Sunday morning we went with my parents to check out Pleasure Pier in Galveston and eat lunch at The Spot. It got hot quickly, so we headed home early afternoon.  Here are a few pictures from our weekend. 

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