Wednesday, May 15, 2013

22 Weeks

May 9, 2013

Baby news: Our baby girl is 11.5 inches and officially 1 lb!

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Around 3 lbs. I am starting to grow!

Sleep: I am sleeping good, but rolling over is starting to become interesting. 😀

Best moment this week: On Wednesday we picked up our crib! We were told it wouldn't be in stock until around the beginning of July, but it came a lot earlier than that. I also had my first baby shower, at my school. It was so wonderful! My office team went above and beyond to make it special for me.

Cravings: My first real craving has been queso. I think about it all the time.

Movement: Monday was a party in my belly that apparently wore baby girl out! She moved pretty much all day at work, playing bumper boats as she flung herself towards the front of my stomach. I guess she needed more room, because she spent the next 2 hours pushing up on my uterus. It was actually a little painful. I love feeling her move and wish she would move like that all day everyday!

Have you started to show yet? Yes and I love it! I'm in that good stage right now where I look pregnant but not huge yet.

Gender prediction: It's a girl!!

Wedding rings: Still on, we will see how it goes as the weather warms up.

Mood: Doing good, starting to get worn out at work, but trying to remind myself to slow down.

Looking forward to: Starting on the nursery and getting more stuff for our little girl.

Anything Else??? Here are some pictures from my school baby shower.

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