Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcoming 2013 With Open Arms

I haven't added anything to our blog since!  Things were pretty crazy the second half of the year.  There are quite a few posts coming on things I need to catch-up on.
In November, I went to visit my friend Katie in New York City.  We had an awesome time getting to explore the city, hang out watching movies and catch up on life.  Katie knows so many fun things to do in the city, so she was a great tour guide!  One thing we did was go to the Times Square museum where they have the Millennium New Years Eve ball that dropped in Times Square.  Katie showed me where we could write our own wishes on tissue paper that would be used as confetti on New Year’s Eve. 
On New Year’s Eve 2012, Eric and I found out my confetti wish came true…we are PREGNANT!!  We could not have been more excited!  It has been a journey to get to this point, but something just felt different this time.  Eric and I had a great New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day with our little secret.  At that point, I was only 3 weeks 4 days so it was still very early.  We decided to not tell anyone for a little while until I went to the doctor.  Later that week, I went to get blood drawn to check all my levels and everything looked great!
It’s official, Baby Konesheck is coming in September 2013! We can’t think of a better way to start the New Year.

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