Saturday, April 20, 2013

19 Week Update

April 18, 2013

How far along? 19 Weeks....this week we find out if Baby Konesheck is a boy or girl!
Total weight gain/loss: +1.4 I like the Dr.'s scale =)
Sleep: I am sleeping good, but I have been waking up about 2-3 times a night. Luckily I have been able to roll over and fall back asleep quickly.
Best moment this week: we had out anatomy scan, so it was a 30 minute ultrasound. It was really neat to see how much the baby has grown since 12 weeks. The ultrasound is so detailed. We also got to find out the gender.
Cravings: I want to have something to drink all the time. I drink TONS of water, have a coke every now and then, drink milk with dinner, juice with breakfast...all I do is drink! I know I'm not dehydrated, but I always want to have something to drink. Weird...
Movement: I've started to notice the baby moves the most around 5pm and when I lay down at night. I guess it sleeps all day.
Food cravings: this has been a rough week eating wise. Nothing sounds good and I really haven't eaten dinner this week.
Have you started to show yet? Yes and I love it! I'm in that good stage right now where I look pregnant but not huge yet.
Gender prediction: We know what the baby is!! Everyone will have to wait until Saturday, April 22nd to find out. We will tell our family this day.
Wedding rings: they have actually been loose this week. I think this is from all the water I've been drinking.
Mood: I've been in a good mood, but I am getting worn out at work. Not necessarily tired, but just worn out from the stress of STAAR. I will be glad to have that behind me after next week.
Looking forward to: Sharing with everyone what the baby's gender. We are ready to let everyone know.
Anything Else??? Here's a profile pic of our little baby. The baby now weighs 1/2 a pound! It's right where it should be, but that is crazy for me to think about!

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