Wednesday, April 10, 2013

16 Week Update

I got busy and missed a couple weeks of updates. I went to the doctor during my 16th week for a routine monthly check-up. This was my first "normal" appointment. No ultrasound, just a heartbeat check. I had more blood taken...I'm getting pretty good at that part! I had lost 2 pounds since my 12 weeks appointment. I like the doctors scale. =) I heard the heartbeat and it sounded great. We will go back at 18 1/2 weeks for another appointment and to find out the gender!

On a side note...I now have a new doctor. At 12 weeks I went from the fertility doctor to the regular OB. She told me during that appointment that she was not going to be delivering babies any more after August so she could spend more time with her kids. Therefore, I met with the new doctor at my 16 week appointment. She was very nice and seemed excited to be part of the practice and growing her patient list. She has been working at a hospital in the medical center for the past 7 years and is now transitioning into family practice.

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