Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy Housewarming

After 3 months of home ownership, we were able to celebrate with friends and family for our housewarming party.  We had 4 UTMB friends stay at our house for the weekend.  It was so nice to see them and catch up on life.  Brandi and Drew's little boy, Tripp, is 5 months old now and the happiest little boy.  He smiled all weekend and barely cried at all.

We had a wonderful day on Saturday getting to celebrate our new home with great friends and family.  We had family, work friends and personal friends all under one roof.  It was so nice for all the circles of our lives to get to meet each other.  We were so busy enjoying the day that we didn't take many pictures.  Here are a few from the weekend:

  Eric and Tripp

  Tripp found a new way to enjoy his bouncer

  Eric was such a natural with Tripp =)

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