Saturday, March 17, 2012

Aunt and Uncle...Times Two!

Around the beginning of March we got some very exciting news...Heather was pregnant!  Eric randomly told me this while we were packing to move.  The conversation went a little something like this:

Eric: Oh, by the way, I talked to Michael today.  Heather's pregnant...
Eric: Yea...with twins... (enter voice with little emotion)
Sara: You're joking...whatever (I've learned you can never take a Konesheck seriously!)
Eric: I'm her and ask her

So, I had to call to verify...and it's true!!  Michael and Heather are going to have twins sometime around mid-September!  

After finding out, I had to keep the secret for about 2 weeks until we had a crawfish boil at their house on St. Patrick's day.  The picture below is what they put on the tv during the prayer before dinner to see how quickly people noticed.  The reactions were priceless!  Many people didn't notice and most didn't realize it was twins. 

We couldn't be more happy for them. It has been a long journey for them and will welcome the new bambinos with open arms.  We are looking forward to 2 more nieces/nephews to love and spoil. =)

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