Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top 10 of 2011

What a year 2011 has been!  I don't think there has ever been a year that has gone by so fast.  Looking back at last year, Eric and I decided to stay home for New Year's Eve.  He cooked dinner and I think we were in bed by 9 watching Dick Clark's Rocking New Years Eve.  At that time, we had no idea of the many great things to come in 2011.  Here is our top 10 of 2011!

10. Spent tons of time with friends-old friends a new friends
9. Eric completed his last 2 rotations at St. Luke's and St. John's
8. Celebrated many birthdays, weddings and even a baby shower with great friends and family- both my parents turned 50!
7. Enjoyed lots of trips to the lake, Austin, Lake Charles and Dallas
6. I was selected as Greene Elementary's Teacher of the Year
5. I graduated in May from UHCL with my Master's in Educational Management
4. I got a job as an assistant principal at Ward Elementary
3. Eric got a job at St. John's Sport's Medicine
2. Eric graduated in August from UTMB with his Doctorate in Physical Therapy
1. We started building our house!

What a year it has been! I have a weird thing about not liking odd numbered years as much as even years...I think 2011 may have changed my mind on that =) We are looking forward to the great things to come in 2012.  Hopefully you will have a great 2012 too!

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