Wednesday, December 21, 2011

House Hunters: Clear Lake Edition

Eric and I are officially house builders!  I keep saying we are home owners, but Eric and all his "technical terminology" quickly corrects me =)  I wish I could say that our hunt for a house could be summed up into a 30 minute tv episode, but that is not the case!  Eric and I are are too practical/analytical/indecisive to make a quick decision.  We started "just driving around to look at houses" in September, but that quickly took a turn towards us getting pretty serious about looking at houses.  It seems like every weekend we were driving around neighborhoods, going into models, looking at resale and open houses.  Around the end of October, I knew which house I wanted, but Eric was not fully sold yet. He finally reached that point a few weeks later. 

 After many, many long days of searching, we decided to build a Perry House in Westover Park in League City! We had both liked Perry for a longtime, but never thought that we would be able to build a house. let alone the Perry home that we loved!  The weekend after Thanksgiving, we went and signed papers to officially start building our home!  The day the sold sign went up was the day it felt real.  We have been driving by VERY often...almost see if there is any progress.  We just found out yesterday that the first official day of construction will be December 27th. 

   We both are in love with the floor plan, the choices of interior and exterior things and our lot.  We are looking forward to filling our home with many memories in the years to come!

Here are some links to check out a little more about our house:

Perry Homes-Floorplan Our floorplan is the 2952W in case the link doesn't work
Westover Park- Neighborhood

A few pictures of the dirt we call our future home =)

 The front yard

  The back yard

 Our sold sign

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