Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Cainan!

On September 19th we celebrated Cainan's 3rd birthday.  It is hard to believe that Cainan is only 3 years old...it feels like he has always been a part of our life.  Sometimes we forget that Cainan is only 3, he seems so much older than that!  For his birthday party, he wanted a monkey/golf party.  Heather pulled off this odd combination perfectly!  He had a cake of a sock monkey with a golf club. =)  Cainan was showered with presents that were sports related and could be used outside- he was in heaven!  His favorite gift came from Uncle Darren...a Texas A&M jersey!  He requests to wear it each Saturday for "football day".

No Konesheck get together goes off without a bump in the road, and Cainan's birthday was just the same!  The day before Cainan's party, Heather, Tegan and I went to Target to get some things for the party.  On the Tegan said she felt bad and ended up throwing up before we got to Target.  We chalked it up to the "cheese party" they had at school and thought she had food poisoning.  She continued to throw up into the night.  The day of they party, Cainan threw-up a couple times, but Heather thought it was because he was putting too much food in him mouth.  Turns out this was not the case!  There was a stomach bug running rampant that the kids were nice enough to share with most of the 20 or so people at the party.  Somehow Eric and I were able to escape the bug! 

 Here are some pictures from the happy times of the party. 

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