Monday, July 25, 2011

We Made It

     Tomorrow, July 26th, is Eric's LAST DAY EVER of his rotation, or free labor as we refer to it.  =)  I honestly can't believe that we have made it.  We made it!  Funny thing, exactly 3 years ago on July 26, 2008 we moved into our first apartment as a married couple.  Our first chance to make it on our own, pay rent and and start this life that was so unfamiliar to us.  All we knew was that Eric would be at UTMB for the next 3 years and I would be teaching 2nd grade at Greene Elementary knowing only my AP who was a family friend from Katy, and my new team leader I had met a couple times, Leslie (who I now talk to about 8 times a day and is my right hand lady!)  Oh how life changed through the past 3 years!  The only way to describe the past 3 years is that WE MADE IT!
  • we made it through Hurricane Ike after being in school for 10 days
  • we made it through our first year of marriage
  • we made it through Eric's first year of school and my first year teaching at a new school
  • we made it through our first summer both being in summer school
  • we made it through Eric having to move to Wichita Falls for 8 weeks
  • we made it through my unexpected, relentless anxiety attacks for 8 weeks
  • we made it through our second year of marriage
  • we made it through me moving to a new grade level
  • we made it through me driving to Katy once a week until 11pm for class
  • we made it through Eric's 2nd rotation in Baytown and his 3rd rotation at St. Luke's
  • we made it through our third year of marriage
  • we made it through my Master's degree from UHCL
We never doubted that we would make it to this point, but we sometimes wondered when we would get here and what it would feel like.  As with the other major points along the way, we have made here and it doesn't feel any different.  I don't think it will hit us until Eric walks across the stage at graduation. I can tell the emotions are coming forward now that the day is getting closer.  I could not be more proud of Eric for all his has accomplished these past 3 years.  He has worked hard, made amazing friends, supported me and learned balance in his life.  Next week he will be back at UTMB for 4 days for wrap-up week.  Let the celebrations begin!

Funny parents came to visit a few weeks ago on a week day when Eric was at work.  My dad pointed out that there is something wrong with the fact that I was getting paid through the summer and staying home, while Eric was at work not getting paid.  Good point!  

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