Wednesday, May 4, 2011

April 29th...A Day for Celebrating!

    April 29th is always a special day for's Eric's birthday!  Eric has never been one to make a big deal out of his birthday.  For me, birthdays are a HUGE deal! I love celebrating the birthday's of people in my life.  Without that special day, they would not be able to be in my life.  Ever since Tegan and Cainan were born, birthdays have become even more special to me. =) 
    This year, April 29th was even more special for a few different reasons:
  • The Royal Wedding! I woke up early to watch the wedding life and it was amazing.  I got chills when Prince William and Prince Harry showed up.  I know Princess Diana was smiling that day.
  • My good friend and first student teacher, Georgina, got engaged!!!  I'm so excited for her and her fiance, Bano.  They have dated for a long time like Eric and I did.  To make it more special, Georgina is from England, so she was already excited about the Royal Wedding and then Bano proposed to her on that day also!
  • Another big event, one of the Katy football boys who we have watched grow up over the years got drafted to the NFL...go Andy!
  • Lastly, an event that ended up getting cancelled, but the space shuttle Endeavor was supposed to launch.  The closer we get to the end of space flight, the more special it is to be able to watch the shuttles launch with my students.
Eric celebrated his birthday differently than ever we were driving in Michael and Heather's minivan with the kids to go play putt-putt I mentioned to Eric that times sure have changed.  He said he wouldn't want to spend his birthday any other way =)

Trying to distract Eric from the people coming to sing to him.

Tegan thought up the idea to tell the waiter it was Eric's birthday and even told the waiter herself!
Being silly with the cupcake decorations
Getting's hard work looking this cute all the time!

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