Friday, February 4, 2011

31 Things in 31 Days

I can't believe that January has already come and gone!  Usually, January and February are the longest months in the life of a teacher.  This has been the fastest January ever!  I have written anything since New Years, so here is an update on some of the things we did during the month of January.
  1.  Eric and both started back at school a couple days after the New Year...only 6 weeks for Eric!
  2. Darren moved to Pasadena to start Chiropractic school...3 years to go!
  3. Tegan had her 5th birthday party 
  4. Cainan and Uncle Eric showed off their wild dance moves (complete with Cainan fist pumping)
  5. We went to Darren's first white coat ceremony
  6. We celebrated Leslie's birthday- this should have about 3 spots =)
  7. Had a great night out with my girl's group, and brought the boys this time!
  8. Celebrated Brandi's birthday
  9. Visited Brandi and Drew in their trailer
  10. Went to Galveston with my parents
  11. Got a new student teacher, she is great!
  12. Started my internship...graduating in May!
  13. Made a quick trip to the Dessert Gallery for cake and coffee with my parents and Eric
  14. Spent tons of time with Eric's UTMB crew- they are all about to leave for rotations =(
  15. I continue to attend tons of meetings at school to gain leadership experience
  16. Applied for my first assistant principal job =)
  17. Found out that I only have to go to graduate school 2 nights this whole semester
  18. Had a wonderful training with a writing consultant
  19. Eric and I both had off for MLK Day
  20. Finally finished my mom's clipboards for her school office
  21. Organized Eric's side of the closet
  22. Perfected how to make baked potato soup
  23. Started reading a new book- The Knitting Circle.  A must read!
  24. Eric and I got a new single serve coffee maker- LOVE!!!
  25. Bought 3 new kinds of coffee for our new coffee maker
  26. Tried my first piece of sushi- probably not for me
  27. Spent some time with Tegan and Cainan
  28. Finally reached a feeling of comfort with 4th grade and the curriculum
  29. Layed around for hours with Tegan when she was sick =)
  30. Spent lots of time with Eric since he only had class once a week
  31. Made it through some very cold days!!!  I don't function well with weather under 40 degrees!
I guess I can see now why January went by so fast!  We were pretty busy.  I am sure February will go by even faster. 

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