Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tegan Turns 5!

      December 27, 2010 was a day that came to fast... Tegan celebrated her 5th birthday!  It is hard to believe how fast the past 5 years have gone by.  I still remember the day she was born and the feeling I felt the first time we saw her through the window at the nursery in the hospital.  First thing I thought was "Her nose and mouth look just like Heather!" I had never had an instant love like I did that day. 
      Over the past 5 years, she has turned into a beautiful young lady.  We have had many wonderful adventures together and I look forward to many more to come!  Next year brings a new chapter for Tegan...elementary school!  Here are some pictures of her throughout the years.  The first one is the youngest I have of her on my computer. 

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