Friday, November 26, 2010

Two Things I'm Thankful For...

  Tegan and Cainan!  These two kiddos are awesome and they are the light of my life. 
   To start off my Thanksgiving Break in Katy, I went straight to Tegan and Cainan's preschool to attend Tegan's Thanksgiving feast.  This is the second year in a row that I have been able to go to her feast.  One special thing about having the whole week off from school for Thanksgiving is this is the only time during the school year that I get to visit Tegan and Cainan at school. 

After watching the kids sing, we went to Tegan's room for her feast.  Cainan couldn't handle all the food, so he had to get himself a plate!


Other events of our day together:
  • Visiting Libby at work
  • Going for a walk to find acorns and leaves
  • Tegan playing a joke on Libby by acting like she ate all the ice cream

It was a Thankful Tuesday after getting to spend the day with my two favorite kiddos!

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