Thursday, May 21, 2015

Life Lately

Time, please slow down! I really feel like it was just the beginning of March. Now I blinked and we are in mid-May and counting down to the last day of school. We had 4 weddings to attend in a 7 week period. Throw in Spring Break, Easter, Eric's birthday and Mother's wonder these past couple months have flown by!

1. Madison is finishing up her 2nd week of swim class. We enrolled her in the Infant Swim Rescue (ISR) program. She goes 5 days a week and each day the lesson is one-on-one for 10 minutes with her teacher. Madison isn't loving lessons, which really breaks my heart. Eric keeps reminding me the purpose of the lessons is to teach her to save herself if she falls in the pool, not to have fun swimming. We are planning to do 2 more weeks of lessons. One big success...after 7 days of lessons, Madison was able to floating her back unassisted for over a minute! 

2.  We had a wonderful weekend celebrating Mother's Day a couple weeks ago. Friday morning, I went to Muffins with Mom at Madison's school. My heart was overflowing to be able to spend that time with Madison. Saturday morning, we went with Lolli and Pops to Froberg's to pick strawberries. Madison crushed strawberries, fell in the mud and loved every minute of it! We had strawberry shortcake for dessert that night. Sunday, we spent the day just the 3 of us going to breakfast, taking a nap and running errands. It was a wonderful weekend. 

3. Madison's speech has taken off again. She is speaking in 2-3 phrases, able to tell us what she wants, answers questions and understands commands. We are so proud of her! We often hear her saying "come here, sit down, where's Wubbie, read book, more snack please, water please, all done and be nice".

4. Madison also loves singing! She sings Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Clean Up song, I Love You a Bushel and a Peck, Rain Rain Go Away, Row Your Boat and the ABC song. 

5. Get ready summer...we're coming for ya!

Konesheck Family...Party of 4!

We have some news to share....

Madison's going to be a big sister! We are excited and beyond thankful to be able to welcome Baby #2 into our family in Novemeber.  Madison and the baby will be 2 years and 2 months apart. Let the fun begin!

I am almost 15 weeks and have been feeling wonderful. We had our first idea that I might be pregnant on our anniversary, March 8th. We confirmed a few days later that I was in fact pregnant.  In this short time, my 2nd pregnancy has been much different than my 1st in more ways than one. Our biggest concern this time is making sure Madison has a good transition to big sister.  We look forward to continuing to share about our journey to a family of 4. 

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